Friday, January 21, 2011

Little packets of joy!

Ah, our seed order came in! Sitting here watching the squirrels run around the neighbour's snowy roof it seems like a long time 'til spring, but it'll come fast enough I'm sure!

We got:

Oregon Sugar Pod Snow peas
Arugula (Rocket)
Turnips (beautiful when smaller than a golf ball, straight out of the ground and cleaned on a trouser leg - succulent and juicy!)
Peppers (Canadians call them Sweet Peppers as opposed to Chili Peppers)
Salad Bowl lettuce

Plus some tomato seeds I saved from last year, and some Good King Henry and Sunflowers.


Let's just hope I can grow them! We have a nice roof outside our bedroom window, so I'm hoping (once the new windows go in next month - touch wood 0 we can put a container or two up there).

Turnips will probably go out the front of the house, though I'm not sure there's enough light. Alternatively at my sister-in-law's... But that'd be odd, not being able to keep tabs on what was happening.

Tricky. I asked the City about allotments but there are neither public- nor private-owned ones near us, sadly.

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