Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Three Days...

Just three days to go til I go home.

It's been a busyish few weeks, and I've learned quite a lot:

1) I am really allergic to dogs, so won't be getting one (boo)

2) Stress is entirely of my own making. It really really isn't worth it. Chill... it'll be fine.

3) Stuff happens, things can be not-ideal, and it's ok.

It seems like 2 and 3 are easier to deal with when not at home. Different locations, different challenges every day somehow make them easier to deal with than the much smaller challenges of home life (out of milk, arrgh!).

I am, of course, very very happy to be heading home soon. It does make me wonder about my "travelling round the states in a van" idea though - but having a *mobile* home seems nicer than a suitcase and backpack.

I think the plan, now, is for me to get a minivan, tint the windows, rig up a bed and try it out. Hopefully in February or March.

My partner-in-gardening has had soil tests done and apparently the soil is excellent - nutrient rich, so that's good. It is still clay, heavy heavy clay, though.

When I get home, I'm going to...

1) Start some coriander (cilantro) growing as it's LOVELY in a salad

2) Put the winter ty/tires on the car (the damn word looks odd both ways now!)

3) Practise my bread baking. Apparently put *oil* down for the first kneading, and flour for the second. I now have a much better idea of what "knocking back" should look like thanks to the Great British Bake-off. Ah, television, how wonderful you are - in really small doses, and where there are no adverts. Thanks, BBC!

4) Sleep?

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