Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So I'm back "home" - in the UK, at least. Home seems a concept more than anything real.

After spending two weeks with my mum in France I'm staying in a guesthouse close to work.

It's refreshing in a way - and it just made me realise how much stuff I *don't* need.

I have with me one suitcase and one backpack. Tbe former contained clothes, a suit, shoes, shirts for work, and a toilet bag; the backpack, my laptop, and my PSP. What else does one need?

Well. The guesthouse provides a cooker, cutlery, and so on. I'm borrowing a bike from a friend, and - seeing as my main reason for being here is work - work is providing me with any equipment I need.

What am I missing? Well, apart from my wife, who left for "home" today... not much. A better desk and chair; my desktop PC and monitor (which are significantly faster than this laptop). Books? Sure, but I've pretty much read the books I still own after the move-purge sessions that went on when leaving the UK.

In fact, I think I'll be having another purge when I get back.

It's not like I have *loads* of stuff (though my wife would disagree...), but that that I don't use regularly is a cost and not a benefit. And the fact I don't miss it at all is telling.

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