Friday, October 22, 2010

Last Night

Two comments.

One, Last Night is a good Canadian film - I saw it on the flight over to Vancouver. I'd really recommend it!

That's a complete aside - I just thought of it because I'm going to mention what happened last night.

Last night I went to a "Computers for Communities" social evening - C4C being an Ottawa not for profit organisation that gets computers from businesses at the end of their lifecycle, refurbishes them, and then places them with families that wouldn't otherwise have access to one.

It was *so* nice for me to spend an evening with geeks - real, true to life geeks. Talking about partition sizes, the pros and cons of operating systems, and so on. It renewed my faith in humanity, to some level - people are generally decent. But it asks the question - if people are generally decent, how come we are collectively so hellbent on over-exploiting any resource that comes our way?

And how do we marry the two - getting to decent people, and getting them to do lots of decent things?

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