Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Sun

Ah Canada.

Yesterday: 34 degrees C, "feels like" 41. Gosh.

Life is *very* exciting. In precisely one week, we will have moved, barring unforseen thingummawhatsits.

I have two courgette plants, a tomato plant, and a sunflower all begging to be planted outside. And a couple of amazing asparagus plants that probably wouldn't complain, either.

The asparagus tips poking their tiny heads above the soil was so very cool. The stems were probably less than 1/2 mm thick, identical to the tips you'd usually buy at the supermarket except in scale.

So next week: boxes, packing up our meagre posessions - a tall bookcase of books, some saucepans, etc. We're hiring a "cargo van" to move - in the UK it would be a long wheelbase Transit, I guess.

And that'll be it! No more Ottawa, touch wood no more fireworks going off in the middle of the day (what's that about, neighbours?!). And - best of all to my heat-frazzled self - a small window air-conditioning unit.

NOT that I want it running much, but the last few days have just been... yeowch.

I mean really. Well, we're on a parallel with somewhere in France, so it's not surprising!

Then the home-adventure begins: a garden, with the desire to grow stuff in it.

Oh, and room for all my video gaming equipment to finally come out of their boxes and be set up permanently!

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