Wednesday, February 22, 2012


..a house, when Canada's property market is almost certainly soon to "pop"?

Are we mad?

Well.. maybe. But, like stock investing, it's all about value.

We're looking at houses that are decent, with a reasonable amount of land - so I can finally start growing stuff. We're looking at the market as if the house price correction has already started to happen... I guess if the vendors don't agree we'll just bide our time until the right one comes along.

So we went to see a lovely, old house yesterday. Really solid, well cared for, within a decent commute of the city, and with a couple of acres. A really good compromise for all our needs. It's just the price...

We'll put a low offer in and see where that gets us. I'm not optimistic, but we are in a good position - flexible, able to move quickly, no chain, and so on. Just slightly lacking in the cash department!

Fingers crossed!

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