Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Runt of the Litter

Poor Bonnie isn't growing much. Juniper is concerned enough that she spoke to the vet, who told her to collect stool samples to see if she has some worm or another.

After a couple of days of watching without results, Bonnie finally "delivered" to Lindsay yesterday. So I guess we wait a couple of days to see if there really is anything wrong with her, or if she's just a dainty/picky eater and a runt. The good news (as a vegetarian) is that, if she does turn out to be a runt, I think I have convinced Alex and Juniper to keep her as a pet!

The irony of Clyde trying to eat my leg this morning was not lost. Why shouldn't he be inclined to, considering his fate? He's a fine looking porker, too - big, boarish, healthy looking and very keen to get to food. I'm not sure my trousers or my crocs would provide much nourishment, though...

Last night we had a fire, with Alex on the fiddle, Jen on the guitar, Juniper playing drums, and me on the pvc-didgeridoo. This didge isn't quite as good as the one I had in Ireland but it does work. The more I play the more I want to get a decent one. The fireflies were out again - absolutely stunning - as were the stars. One of my strongest desires is to always live somewhere that the night sky is truly visible. Absolutely breathtaking.

In many ways, this is no normal job: working outside, working with living things, getting earth under your fingernails and ingrained on your skin. But in other ways it's similar: the weekends go past too quickly! Still, next week will be a fun one, with a visit to another farm on Tuesday, a trip to Ottawa on Thursday, and my first market on Saturday!

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