Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dinner time!

Life on the farm seems to revolve around two things: Breakfast and dinner for the animals. And they really appreciate being fed, too - especially the boar who salivates from the minute he sees the bucket of food heading his way.

It's been all change this week; the 5 piglets are on their own, and their mum is in with the boar (making him extra pushy, and feeding them hard work - get your snouts out of the bucket so I can tip it out, please!). The red pig is much better after her dreadful giving birth, but probably destined to be sausages in a month or two - good if you like sausages in buns at farmers' markets!

The laying chickens haven't moved, but they seem to like me better now - sometimes 6 or 8 of them will stand and look at me when I'm in the barn. I assume this is because I bring them food... Anyway, we also have about 27 chicks which area meat birds, currently living in a large plastic tub. They smell odd - not entirely unpleasant, but not entirely pleasant either. A sort of sweet stench. Tony's dad is redecorating the kitchen, so actually going from the chemical paint smell in there to the natural animal smell in the conservatory is quite nice!

And as for us, well, dinner time comes after their dinner times. Yesterday it was pizza (but because the pizza shop was shutting, they only had pepperoni, which of course I won't eat - so I made do with carrots from here and houmous, some cheese, and corn bread... yummy! Oh and a bowl of cereal after, heh).

And every day we're working on things that will go into other people's dinners throughout the year. Today, more dessert, actually - transplanting and weeding strawberries.

Yum yum yum!

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