Banks. And solicitors.
Can't live without them, right?
So I'm trying to do "some stuff" - shifting a pension from the UK to Canada via QROPS**, selling a house, refinancing a house, all the good stuff.
The QROPS department of the bank I'm trying to move my pension to (that's you, Scotia!) are insisting they need to fill out four responses on a form *I* have to send to HMRC.
Fine. Fill it out, and send it to me, so I can fill in the rest? No. They want me to fill in my bit, then I send it to them (this is a form they sent me in the first place) for them to complete the receiving institution info, then they send it back to me and then I send it on to my old pension co.
Why? Let me guess: Because they are nosy fuckers. They want to see what I fill in so they have it on file, even though it has nothing to do with them (my old address in the UK, date I left UK, what else? Anything? Probably nothing!). If *they* had a legitimate reason to ask for that info they'd have asked it already - so they are just getting it 'by the back door' because whatever I send them they get to keep.
I'm just... fed up with it. It's disingenuous. They won't *say* that of course. But really, what other reason could they have for not giving me the two really simple pieces of information?
Selling a house... Well, this isn't Scotia, nothing to do with them at all. Just takes time. Offer's in and accepted but the solicitor (mine) wants a complete list of fixtures and fittings (I don't know, it's rented! Everything that isn't the tenant's!), amongst other things. Fine. My letting agent isn't getting back to me about exactly when the tenant is moving out but oh well. The English system of selling is pretty awful in that, until contracts are exchanged, the buyer can back out with no penalty. And that doesn't happen until really late in the process.
Refinancing.. this *is* driving me crazy. We're taking a co-signer off the mortgage as well as getting a HELOC. Apparently this means we need to disclose how many times a day we go to the toilet, as well as (re) paying for 'title searches'. Bear in mind we bought the house 3 years ago and the same lawyer did title searches then. Why do we need to get them done again I have no idea, but they are being very firm on this. To protect the (Scotia) bank.
We agreed to do the HELOC and make all this happen *two months* ago.
As someone who usually gets things done very quickly, I'm finding all this very frustrating. Incomplete answers, foot-dragging, etc.
The pension transfer thing will probably take another month or maybe longer, I have no idea (still waiting for a whole other set of documents from the UK side to arrive so I can fill them in).
I just want to scream. It's all such bullshit bureaucracy, red tape ("etc").
Such is life, I suppose.
** QROPS is a mechanism for getting a group pension plan out of the UK and into a foreign country. It's quite simple... Or rather, it should be.