Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Message to Gordon Brown

I just phoned Gordon Brown and left a message:

Hello, my name is David Evans and I'm calling to express my wish to see a sustainable future for the world, not a growth based one. Sustainable means local resilience, living within the energy budget the sun generously gives us rather than frittering away oil to drive from point A to point B and back again. It means food feet not food miles. It means happiness through community, love, and support, not league tables, rhetoric and bonuses. It means being able to focus on what is important - family, friends - not clinching deals at any cost, even if the cost is the earth.

I urge our elected officials to work towards a balanced healthy future, and I urge them to have the courage to make strong commitments irrespective of what their peers promise. I urge them to make Britain a world leader in truth, not just speeches.

This is via the campaign: here

Friday, December 11, 2009

Break in Transmission

It's been a long time since my last post - quite a lot has happened in that time.

Firstly, a week-long clockwise trip around these British Isles, starting from Kinsale - hitch hiking up to Cork, then taking the train through to Belfast in Northern Ireland; then taking a ferry to Stranraer in Scotland, train across to Edinburgh; after a couple of days near there, being driven down to Essex and London, then train again to Cardiff in Wales, coach to Fishguard, then ferry back to Rosslare in Ireland.

A very different experience from flying, that's sure - I was travelling most of 4 days!!

To paraphrase a friend, it makes you really think about whether the trip is actually worth it. In this case the cost of travelling like this was a little less than flying, and of course much more eco friendly. Catching up with friends and family all over was nice, too.

What else? A day on chainsaws (scary), several lovely walks on beaches, in woods, learning about trees... bread baking, friend making, a workshop on societal change... a night out in town, leading to one of my teachers first passing out and then locking himself into our under-stairs toilet...

Some interesting articles on the BBC today -

Why eco lightbulbs aren't necessarily "as much better" as we think (though on balance still worth having, I think!)

Oil - the Iraq war was about, err...